New Lace Front Wig Human Hair
Today we're going to be using a lace front wig from Yavida hair by Erica J calm my website and I'm just showing you guys the inside of what it looks like packaging and I'm going to show you guys when it comes down to your install and the knots are that's what you want to aim for when it comes down to installing any lace that you may get whether it's a closure or frontal or wig when you head over to hair by Erica J calm you're going to go ahead and click on products today we're going to be using the hold me down adhesive in the hole me down skin guard I have this video right here to show you guys how to properly use the lace system and how to remove it and if I also will put the link in the and why I'm doing it the way that I'm when I do my wig installs I always go then when I put the cap on I would sew after I put that one layer of adhesive need to plug and it's actually on their crowns placed in the color in the shade medium brown this is the very first lace tent she came out with it's the same formula I'm sure it still works the same for me as long as you properly use it you start out with a this is just something I like to do you don't have to do it this way some people install I just like to spray it while actually see how deep the shade is going or how light the shade maybe if I need to add more or if I need to stop so that's just something that I like to do and I set them under the dryer for a it doesn't matter if you cut the lace off first or less I just didn't cut the to learn that you're not gonna always do!
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